HBX 0.5 mechanical portable hardness tester

Brinell test

HBX 0.5 mechanical portable hardness tester, Brinell test

Brinell hardness tester designed to measure steel and cast iron hardness up to 350 – 400 Brinell; the measurements can be carried out anywhere and in any testing direction. With this instrument the classic consumables can be saved; it is lightweight, small and portable.

When HBX 0.5 is pushed down, a pre-loaded spring sets free and releases the load on the underlying workpiece; the force of the spring is guided directly on the indenter. This creates the indentation.
After that, the indentation diameter will be measured thanks to the supplied micrometrical microscope or through digital measuring systems.

PHT mechanical portable hardness tester

Rockwell test

PHT mechanical portable hardness tester, Rockwell test

The mechanical PHT Rockwell hardness tester, even if smaller than a bench one, does not lose in accuracy.
The smallest model weights only 0.7 kg and its use is similar to a classic micrometer. PHT directly measures 15 Rockwell scales: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, P, R and S (depending on the model).
Its accuracy is compliant with ISO 6508 and ASTM E-18 standards. The measuring process is fast and easy, it leaves only a small test indentation on the piece’s surface.